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Constellation Animation
Looping GIF created from a design made for print.
State Champion
Commemorative print to perforated vinyl applied to wrestling room window.
T-Shirt Design
Hand drawn then vectorized depiction of a local brewery with an iconic view.
Restaurant Flyer
11" x 17" poster design for a cuban inspired evening of music, food, and drinks.
The Trees Website
Video of homepage created for a historic estate available for rent. Original drone footage.
Social Media Post
Seasonal Facebook post promoting kayak sales.
Vinyl Banner
48" x 96" scrim vinyl banner promoting seasonal sale.
Bad Boy
Photoshopped poster design.
Baskerville Revolution
Typographic breakdown of the significant differences in form from traditional type.
a Key
Fun with form.
Restaurant Flyer
11" x 17" poster design for a Spanish inspired evening of music, food, and drinks.
Discover Ithaca Website
Video of homepage for a hospitality, and outdoor recreation website. Built in collaboration with Freshy Sites.
Water Taxi Is Here!
24" x 36" A-Frame insert for a road sign.
D&K Ranch Brochure
Inside page of an 11" x 17" tri-fold brochure.
D&K Ranch Map
Outside page of an 11" x 17" tri-fold brochure.
Art Fest Flyer
Poster design for a local art festival.
Restaurant Flyer
11" x 17" poster design for a Hungarian inspired evening of music, food, and drinks.
Vinyl Banner
48" x 96" scrim vinyl promotional banner for chainlink fence.
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